Monday, October 26, 2015

learn or not learn

   In this time is relatively easy to learn something. Isn't it. we know everything but we are not expert of anything, 

  How can I say "I know English". I am not a expert of linguistic, I'm a regular guy with productive hobbies.   

  How can I begin. Well in internet are many course free and pay.I cannot recommend any because I'm new in this of blog maybe I recommend some course and they sent an army of lawyer and blocked me. 

 I can recommend one thing ENJOY learn you only need that.

 What is your recommendation my friend? leave your message.

 Bye for now.   


Monday, October 5, 2015

First thing's first Why do I need learn English. Why, why 

     This is a good question as you need to do yourself because this make a point about your
 success in your learning of everything in your life.

   How am I decided learn English?  

      - This adventure begun like all adventure it was a challenge by a friend with an app.

      -  He told me let's try with this app who of us ends first the tree.

   Well that is how I begin to learn English ahh. I forget I won the challenge.         

Friday, August 14, 2015

  Hi everyone this is my blog. I want to you join me in this journey. I began this adventure almost a year ago as learn English by my own.

   I will tell you as I could learn English from zero to my actual level. It is more or less regular. jaja